Welcome Note

Bridging Policy Gaps and Empowering Small-Scale Farmers

Uganda’s small-scale farmers produce most of Uganda’s food and employ over 85% of Uganda’s work force. And yet the voices of small-scale farmers are largely underrepresented in policy debates. Therefore, policies intended to address the issues that small scale farmers encounter often end up at odds with their reality, and the issues that adversely affect their production potential remain unaddressed.

Washarika grapples with these initial questions. We seek to set in place plans to establish an organization that will grow to firmly facilitate dialogue among small famers, to ensure small scale farmer’s voices are represented at policy level, that their voices are heard in institutions of government charged with their issues and among international bodies that strive to improve small scale farming. Ensuring that conditions are conducive and supportive to small scale farmers is our mission.


How can we bridge the gap between policy and the lived experiences of Uganda’s small-scale farmers?


How can we ensure that small scale farmers freely and openly articulate their lived experiences?


Through what channels, and through what means, might we bring small scale farmers together to articulate the issues that they encounter?


What possibilities exist for small scale farmers to address theissues that affect their livelihood dreams?

Program Team

Program Team We are currently working with the following dedicated team members.

  1. Daniel Lumonya – Program Director, PhD
  2. Dorothy Kamukama – Programs Officer
  3. Monika Namufuta – Community Liaison Officer
  4. Wanyama Jackson –Community Liaison Officer
  5. Amos Ngolobe Volunteer – Gladys Nanyanga Volunteer.